Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shopping math

I totally believe that there is worth in having something that your friends covet. I'm talking about clothes mostly, not as cool when its vehicles or houses or husbands or babies.. that gets kind of creepy. Anyway, it's fun to give them stuff that they like or joke about taking something when they aren't looking (like Amy's fringe dress....). When I was out and about last week, I found my way to a shoe sale and stumbled upon a pair of boots and thought "OMG, Evie would love these!" Truthfully, my first instinct was to buy them for her. But they only had one pair, my size, and so my plan changed from buying them for her to buying them for me and knowing she'd totally be jealous of them. I figure its worth about $5 to me to make her jealous, which means the boots really only cost me $7.

1 comment:

EvieG said...

When we were on the phone just now, I was really in your house. I took those boots and am currently wearing them.