Sunday, July 20, 2008


We've spent every weekend this month on the bike. Now John and I do pretty stellar road trips in a car, but here's what i think is great about the bike:

we touch the whole time. also, I can lean forward to give John a hug whenever I want. He can also reach back to give me a thigh squeeze whenever he wants to. both of these are awesome.

we take the road less travelled, always. on the bike, its even more fantastic. everything around us is open. we're in it.

that means all the smells can be smelled... forest, crops, harvests, watering, fires, lawn mowing, bbqing, russian olves, etc.

sounds. first, the bike, it sounds amazing. second, if we're by a river, we can hear it. a waterfall, we hear it. airplanes, yes. tractors, yes. birds, cows, yep. nothingness? we hear the motorcycle.

stopping to take pictures and taking pictures from the road.

u turns

it doesn't matter where you go. the journey is the whole point.

motorcyclists, like old farmers, always wave at each other.

you have to pack everything you want in your saddlebag. its incredibly freeing.

you don't have to figure out what you are going to wear in the morning, to dinner, etc. (see above)

if its warm, you get great arm tans. if its not, you get to wear chaps and leather jackets.

i love my harley davidson boots.

a tube top is totally appropriate attire.

the look of envy in someone's eye as we roll up and he is loading his family into his SUV.

when we see road signs to the next town, the only concern is where the gas level is at.

we usually get 40-50 MPG.

spending the day on the bike makes food and beer taste exceptionally well.

kids are fascinated when we pass.

if i need to, i can get my choregraphy done while i'm back there.

not everyone gets it. being a biker is cool. michelle pfeiffer thinks so too:

1 comment:

mrs. snack said...

Woah, dance solo!!!!!!!!!