Monday, July 14, 2008

mutton bustin'

mutton bustin' (no, not busting, bustin') is a rodeo activity where parents allow their children to be put on the backs of sheep and the sheep, with the child on its back, is let lose into the arena. as you might guess, the sheep tries its best to rid itself of this newfound, often bedazzled, tumor on its back. the goal of the child is to stay on the back of that sheep for 6 seconds (2 seconds less than the "8 second ride" for the grown cowboys). hilarity ensues.

Inspired by the young wranglers at last weeks rodeo in Vale, I decided to give it a shot for myself this weekend:


PS: i stole the images above from a google search. except the last one, i stole that from john.

1 comment:

John Judy said...

Dude, that last mutton busting shot is AWESOME!