Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Product Placement

Now that cold season is beginning, you might want to grab a box of this stuff... Detox tea will fix you right up if you start to drink it the minute that you feel that sore throat starting. I mix mine with the Anti-Oxidant tea just to get a double dose. I don't have time to get sick and this helps ensure that I don't. Also, there is a bonus.

If, for instance, you happen to be out late with Kimberly and you guys end up going to the strip club and drinking whiskey with a guy in a wheelchair and come stumbling home, arm in arm, and singing, and if you wake up the next morning still drunk, and you drink Detox tea right away, you will ease into the day and end up feeling fine while poor Kimberly has to come home from work sick.

PS: I get these in the health food section at Freddie's.

1 comment:

nixonb said...

i am going to buy these and bring them to the sub-continent. yes, you are THAT good of a saleswoman. (but of course you knew that already.)