Tuesday, June 9, 2009

and then there was one....

Remember this? A couple weeks ago, I saw the little family had shrunk to about half the original size. I felt pretty sad for Mama Duck, but the little fuzzy babies were so cute, and this was probably a more manageable number to keep track of. Last Thursday, I saw a hawk swoop down and pluck one of the babies from the water. OH NO! Those of us that saw it screamed at him, but he just flew off to snack on the poor baby while its mom and us observers watched in horror. The next day, she was swimming around with the two remaining babies and if I would have been able to, I would have scooped them up and brought them home to the backyard, where I would set up a kiddie pool under the grapevine so they'd be safe from the stupid hawks. Yesterday, I saw her swimming around with only one little baby, who was eating up everything in sight, probably trying to grow big as fast as possible.

Good luck, little duck.

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