Monday, October 11, 2010

Home bodies

We tend to go, go, go most weekends, but every once in a while we chill out and stay home. This was one of those weekends, and I loved it. We had some drinks and John watched tv and played on the internet while I cleaned my tanks... Fishgirl in action...
I think I mentioned it before, but John got a new phone, the Wife Replacer 5000 (lovingly referred to as the WR5K) and he was playing around with the photo app that's documented most of our life for the last two weeks... Its kind of funny that my head is cut off, but you can see how rockin' buff I am, so I put it up anyway. I also kind of love that the girl on the wall behind looks like she's posing with me...
After that, we went out to get Thai food and came back home to watch a movie and curl up with the kitties.

On Sunday, we made a big batch of veggies and meat, threw it in the crockpot, and went for a couple beers...
Then home again for stew and wine....

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