Monday, January 4, 2010

Out with the old, In with the new.

We are happy to leave 2009 behind. It was a rough year for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. Not that it was devoid of good, but in general, everything seemed to be harder than normal last year. In the spirit of looking forward and thinking positively, we (JJ and me and our partners in crime, The Jens) decided to start the year with a beautiful hike around Silver Falls.
There are so many amazing waterfalls and about half of them, you can walk right behind!!
To lighten our loads and make room for the good that 2010 has to offer, we stood behind one of those waterfalls and got rid of that which has weighed us down.
While I didn't have any baggage to burn, I did have a goodbye that I hadn't quite finished, and I brought a little rock with his sharpie drawn picture on it and gave it a final squeeze and tossed it into the water.
I also have a lucky penny that I found a month or so ago and I tossed that over the side as well, hoping that it will come back as my job. As we walked around each beautiful fall, we talked about our goals and plans for the next year. Everything we want is attainable (except the lottery, that might need a little help from the luck department) .
The fact is, we have to roll with the punches. It's not always easy and that which does not kill us, does make us stronger. I trust the universe and find myself stretching my arms wide and ready to fall forward into what I think will be a really great year.

1 comment:

Jen Hecht said...

Lovely & perfect post about a lovely & perfect sendoff/welcome for the old/new years. This year will be amazing!