Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cheer, dammit, cheer!!!!

on my jog today, I passed by the high school and saw a bunch of football players in uniform standing outside, looking like they were getting ready for a game. As you may know, I tend to have a bit of a soft spot for football players... but that's another story. (a story i like to call "college" :)) anyway, as i was passing the football players i saw the glint of something sparkly and was immediately drawn to it.. Pom poms!!! (or Pom pons...) CHEERLEADERS! YAY! GO TEAM! but no, they were standing there, slumped shoulders, frowns down to their shoulders, looking bored. um, that's not the way you do it girls!!! you are wearing adorable shorts skirts! you have your school name displayed in bold letters across your chest in your school colors! you are a CHEERLEADER!!! lots of girls want to be one! you are one! look happy!! Don't make me sing the school song, cuz i'll do it! I tell you, I just about went up to them and gave them all a demerit.

Then I came home to dig out my cheerleading album so that I could remind myself of what cheerleading is all about! This is how cheerleaders are supposed to look when they aren't cheering:
Homecoming 1992:

and because it was right next to it in my album, here's what cheerleaders are supposed to look like when they are carrying the band banner in the parade!

1 comment:

John Judy said...

Say you don't happen to still have that outfit do ya?

Just sayin.