Monday, September 27, 2010

Style Show Staycation: Part 1

Once upon a time last year, we were downtown for a celebration weekend and managed to find ourselves at a lingerie style show at the wine bar! Awesomely enough, I got to be a model this time! The timing worked out nicely as my mom was in town last weekend and John had to work, so we knew that we'd want to do something fun to reconnect and so we turned the style show weekend into another fun staycation downtown! We got up Saturday and had a nice jog and breakfast and then packed for the day. After what might have been the longest bus experience in the history of Tri-met, we made it downtown. We checked in early and shopped around, had a couple drinks and a pizza and hung out.
Before getting ready, we went down to the awesome hotel gym and got in a little pre-func exercise...

and did a couple laps in the pool. Oh hi, Portland.
The gym ruled...
I danced with the statue in the lobby....
and then we gussied up and headed to the style show! (that gets it's own post, stay tuned...)We had a super night and woke up the next morning to a delightfully warm and rainy day and walked around downtown and went out for breakfast before packing up and heading back home to SE for an easy, relaxing Sunday...
I love staycations. I'm already looking forward to the next one :)

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